It happens every year. The New Year comes and every scrawny twerp on the planet swears this is going to be the year that he slaps on an extra 20 pounds of muscle. But if you didn't pack it on successfully last year, what makes you think this year is going to be any different? Seriously? Did you spend hours in the gym with no results? Did you spend the last year blindly following the muscle magazines only to look the same as you do now? Did you spend the year filling your body with mysterious supplements that only make you sick? Did you watch your friends train less than you but get twice as big? Sound familiar doesn't it? I thought so. So the question is, how are we going to get a different result? The answer is simple. By doing something differently. Would you agree the best way to get the same thing is to do the same thing? And would you agree that the best way to get a different result is to do something different? Give me a amen if you have decided that 2008 is going to be different. Give me a amen-hallelujah if you are prepared to be a different person and prepared to do something different this year. Commit to having your best year, and I'll take care of you, providing you with the best skinny guy transformation program. My Own Skinny Guy Experience Trust me, I know. I was a skinny beanpole all through high school and university and gained the nickname Skinny Vinny. I gawked at my room mates how displayed copious amounts of rock-hard brawn on there frame. I was inspired by the spectacular 'before and after' pictures in bodybuilding magazines. I read every piece of bodybuilding literature I could, got misguided by a slew of personal trainers, experimented with every legal supplement I could purchase, but despite my efforts, my 12 week pictures looked nothing like the supplement advertisements. The cruel scale needle stayed the same like it was cast in stone. Perhaps I was doomed to be skinny for life... Skinny Guys Must Play By A Different Set Of Rules As a weight training enthusiast, figuring out the most effective workout routine can become an endless source of confusion and frustration. Every single fitness expert and magazine has a different training theory or training angle which becomes more confusing than a trip for Jessica Simpson at Home Depot! Most skinny guys end up using routines designed and touted by those freaky monsters seen in the hardcore rags who have more than a little chemistry lab going on inside of them. Programs that include hitting the gym more than five times a week, focusing on 1-2 exercises per workout, 12-24 sets per exercise and overemphasizing isolation-type exercises. None of these components of a program helps improve the underlying foundation of a hardgainers success. Training to get bigger and more muscular, that is - your best body ever, must revolve around getting stronger and I mean really, really stronger. Increasing your strength remains the rock-solid foundation for defeating your skinny genetics and getting a head-turning physique for 2008. Since the vast array of exercise machines came on the market, along with infomercials, instant result programs, and fancy dressed supplement ads, people are no longer willing to spend the time in the gym to build the solid strength foundation that is critical for long-term progress. Since you've read this far, you won't be making that mistake this year! Six Reasons Skinny Guys Must Focus On The Forgotten Factor: Strength How many people do you see with skinny arms that can curl 135 pounds? How many people do you see with no chest who bench press 275 pounds? How many people do you see with massive upper girdles that can dead lift 315 pounds? How many people do you see with chop-stick legs who can squat 400 pounds?I would say - not many. There are many more reasons why strength training will help you defeat your muscle unfriendly genes and get the body you deserve this year but I think you get the point. If ever in doubt, just take a look at the biggest guys in your gym. I bet they are lifting 3-4 more times the weight as you! Cardiovascular and Flexibility Training Tips Take The Challenge Give the 1 + 1 Skinny Guy Strength Program a honest effort for the next 12 weeks and commit to making 2008 the year that you defeat your skinny genetics and build a body you can be proud of without spending any more time in the gym than you have to. Believe that you can do it. It can be done and it will! Defeat Your Skinny Genetics and Own 2008:
The 1 +1 Skinny Guy Transformation Program
Still Not Convinced That Strength Training Is The Answer To Your Best Body This Year? CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE
The 1 + 1 Skinny Guy Strength Program
Stage 1: 4 x 4 Strength Phase
Week 1-3
Monday Exercise Work Sets Speed Rest Back Squats 4 x 4 311 2-3 m Bench Press 4 x 4 311 2-3 m Bent Over Rows 4 x 4 311 2-3 m Upright Rows 2 x 20 211 1 m Calve Raises 2 x 20 211 1 m Wednesday Exercise Work Sets Speed Rest Lunges 4 x 12-15 311 2-3 m Stiff Leg Deadlifts 4 x 12-15 311 2-3 m Dips 4 x failure 311 1 m Chin Ups 4 x failure 311 1 m Weighted Abdominal Work 3 x 30 211 1 m Friday Exercise Work Sets Speed Rest Deadlifts 4 x 4 311 2-3 m Military Presses 4 x 4 311 2-3 m Wide Grip Pull Ups 4 x 4 311 2-3 m Barbell Shrugs 2 x 20 211 1 m Calve Raises 2 x 20 211 1 m
Stage 2 - 5 x 5 Strength Phase
Weeks 4-6
Monday Exercise Work Sets Speed Rest Back Squats 5 x 5 311 2-3 m Stiff-Leg Deadlifts 5 x 5 311 2-3 m Barbell Curls 5 x 5 311 2-3 m Barbell Shrugs 3 x 30 311 1 m Calf raises 3 x 30 311 1 m Tuesday Exercise Work Sets Speed Rest Dumbell Bench Presses 5 x 5 311 2-3 m Barbell Rows 5 x 5 311 2-3 m Dumbell Shoulder Presses 5 x 5 311 2-3 m Weighted Abdominal Work 3x 30 211 1 m Thursday Exercise Work Sets Speed Rest Deadlifts 5 x 5 311 2-3 m Lunges 5 x 5 311 2-3 m Close Grip Presses 5 x 5 311 2-3 m Barbell Shrugs 3 x 30 311 1 m Calve Raises 3 x 30 311 1 m Thursday Exercise Work Sets Speed Rest Incline Bench Presses 5 x 5 311 2-3 m Seated Row 5 x 5 311 2-3 m Military Presses 5 x 5 311 2-3 m Weighted Abdominal Work 3 x 30 211 1 m
Stage 3 - 6 x 6 Strength Phase
Weeks 7-9
Monday Exercise Work Sets Speed Rest Back Squats 6 x 6 311 2-3 m Bench Press 6 x 6 311 2-3 m Bent Over Rows 6 x 6 311 2-3 m Upright Rows 3 x 15 311 1 m Calve Raises 3 x 15 311 1 m Wednesday Exercise Work Sets Speed Rest Lunges 4 x 8-12 311 2-3 m Stiff Leg Deadlifts 4 x 8-12 311 2-3 m Dips 4 x failure 311 1 m Chin Ups 4 x failure 311 1 m Weighted Abdominal Work 3 x 30 211 1 m Friday Exercise Work Sets Speed Rest Deadlifts 6 x 6 311 2-3 m Military Presses 6 x 6 311 2-3 m Wide Grip Pull Ups 6 x 6 311 2-3 m Barbell Shrugs 3 x 15 211 1 m Calve Raises 3 x 15 211 1 m
Stage 4 - 7 x 7 Strength Phase
Weeks 9-12
Monday Exercise Work Sets Speed Rest Back Squats 7 x 7 311 2-3 m Stiff-Leg Deadlifts 7 x 7 311 2-3 m Barbell Curls 7 x 7 311 2-3 m Barbell Shrugs 3 x 30 311 1 m Calf raises 3 x 30 311 1 m Tuesday Exercise Work Sets Speed Rest Dumbell Bench Presses 7 x 7 311 2-3 m Barbell Rows 7 x 7 311 2-3 m Dumbell Shoulder Presses 7 x 7 311 2-3 m Weighted Abdominal Work 3 x 30 211 1 m Thursday Exercise Work Sets Speed Rest Deadlifts 7 x 7 311 2-3 m Lunges 7 x 7 311 2-3 m Close Grip Presses 7 x 7 311 2-3 m Barbell Shrugs 3 x 30 311 1 m Calve Raises 3 x 30 311 1 m Friday Exercise Work Sets Speed Rest Incline Bench Presses 7 x 7 311 2-3 m Seated Row 7 x 7 311 2-3 m Military Presses 7 x 7 311 2-3 m Weighted Abdominal Work 2 x 20 211 1 m CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE
Weight Training Program Notes:
e.g. Let's say you can do 185 lbs for 4 x 4 in phase one. Next phase, you will be aiming to do 185 pounds for 5 x 5. You might even be able to slip a few extra pounds on the bar, depending on the rate that you super compensate which will be bonus. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE
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